1.3 GHz active scope probe with FET input

1.3 GHz FETProbe, V2

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Stock available: 149
Test equipment

A 1.3 GHz active scope Probe with FET input and very low input capacitance (about 0.3 pF)

  • AC coupled
  • minimum frequency: 100 kHz
  • attenuation: 1:10 (1:20 with 50 Ohm termination)
  • supply: 5 - 16 V through u.Fl
  • reverse voltage protection
  • output through u.Fl
  • can be soldered directly to the device under test for minimal lead capacitance

For powering, see our USB to SMA dongle also available as an accessory option on this page

This is a nice low-cost addition to your scope accessory arsenal for cases when the stock probes of a cheap oscilloscope just can't do the job.

Why did you make it?

I made this probe to measure oscillators with low load capacitance, when my stock oscilloscope probes would probably detune the circuit too much. There are more use cases - basically everything that can be done with an AC coupled probe with low input capacitance.

See here for a little example: https://hackaday.io/project/184924-diy-13-ghz-fet-probe/log/213125-measuring-an-sx1280s-oscillator-frequency

Links to code and documentation

Documentation (hackaday.io)

Product HS Code: 903033

Shipping policy

No information available.

The seller

Makerprobe's store

Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
10 orders since Oct 4, 2023
Measurement accessories for makers, quadcopter hardware and other small bits