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10+ items | $55.00 |
NEW 7th Nov 24: Swedish and Danish customers must now order on https://amsleser.no
Pow-U is delivered with ESP32 microcontroller/wifi module. This will enable certain functions that were not available on the previous Pow-U design such as connection to SSL MQTT broker, reading energy prices from Entso-E with graphical visualization.
Delivered assembled, tested and programmed with latest versjon firmware AmsToMqttBridge, which isOpen Source firmware.
Based on ESP32-S2 wifi-module.
Pow-U connects to your local wifi, where it displays a web user interface page that can be opened from a device (PC, tablet, phone, ...) that connected your internal network . No cloud service involved, no data is sent outside of your home network.
Connects to your smarthome system via MQTT. A separate MQTT setup for direct integrationa and autodetect with Home Assistant is included in the firmware.
Smart meters that deliver M-bus signal on pins 3/4 of an RJ12 socket: You will use an RJ-12/RJ12 cable and insert the RJ12 connector centered in the RJ45 socket of the Pow-U. See information in Pow-U user manual.
Documentation: See the tab "Vedlegg" on the linked page.
If you chose the option "Assembled board only, no enclosure or cable", you can 3-print the enclosure yourself from provided STL files, see "Vedlegg" on linked page.
Is this the right product for you? Please consult: https://github.com/UtilitechAS/amsreader-firmware/wiki/Known-hardware-configurations
We currently ship to outside Norway at least one time per week.