The Bee S3. An Ultra Low Power ESP32-S3 Board

Bee S3 (ESP32-S3)

Sold by Smart Bee Designs LLC


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Why did you make it?

I set out to make an Ultra Low powered ESP32 board and make it affordable.

What makes it special?

  • ESP32-S3 powered (Espressifs latest gen chip)
  • Ultra Low power deep sleep (<20uA!!!)
  • Battery Voltage Monitoring built in.
  • RGB LED (for fun)
  • USB-C
  • Supports Arduino, Micro Python and Circuit Python with many example sketches!
  • Fully open source. Check out the Github.
  • Breadboard compatible for easy prototyping.
  • Small and Compact with mounting holes for easy mounting.

Pin Out

Board Pin out

Deep Sleep Consumption <20uA!

Deep Sleep Consumption

Q: Ok, but how does that translate to battery life?

A: Well if you had this paired with a 1500mah LiPo battery, turning on once a day and sending a sensor reading over MQTT it would last for over 5 years!

enter image description here

NOTE: the Bee S3 does NOT have LiPo charging capabilities. to re-charge a battery you will need an external battery charging option.

Links to code and documentation

Code (

Shipping policy

Items will be shipped within 3 business days, but usually they ship the next day. shipping times vary across the globe but typically international shipments arrive within 10-14 business days. US shipments typically arrive within 4 business days.

The seller

Smart Bee Designs LLC

Delphi, Indiana, United States
48 orders since Sep 20, 2022
High quality ESP32 boards with support for Arduino, Micro-Python and Circuit-python.