The RP2040 Stamp by Solder Party is great, but sometimes you need a little more power.
So i put an ESP32-S3 in the same footprint to get nearly twice the processing power. 240MHz dual core LX7 processors, 2+MB PSRAM, 4+MB flash, bluetooth and wi-fi, PWM on all IO and a bunch of fancy interfaces and functions. Even the RP2350 is well below these specs.
Other parts of it are taken from the 2040 stamp to make sure it's fully compatible. It has a 3,7v lithium battery charger with indicator, a neopixel on board and a reset button. The onboard voltage regulator can accept up to 5,5V and provide 600mA. The USB, debug, reset/boot and power pins are of course in the same place as on that one. I also tried to make at least some IO numbers match. 0-18 are in their "correct" places.
List of features included with the S3 chip itself, directly from the data sheet: 4 SPI, 1 LCD interface, 1 camera interface, 3 UART, 2 I²C, 2 I²S, 1 RMT, 8 channel LED PWM controller, 1 full-speed USB UTG/USB to serial converter, 2 MCPWM, 1 SDIO host controller, GDMA controller with 5 TX and 5 RX channels, 1 TWAI/CAN controller, 2 12 bit ADCs with up to 20 channels, 1 internal temperature sensor, 14 touch pins, 4 54 bit general timers, 52 bit system timer, 3 watchdog timers, ULP coprocessors, RISC-V and FSM, secure boot, flash encryption, cryptographic hardware acceleration,
Shipping within a few days