He-Man badge inspired from the famous Meme in youtube

He-Man Badge (Heeyyeyyeyyahh)

Sold by TheGizmolab


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Stock available: 1

What is it?

It's my new badge inspired by the famous He-Man meme song from YouTube.


I created it because I wanted to make something fun themed around another character from Masters of The Universe. In my store, if you're interested, I still have the Skeletor badge available.

Product Description

The badge operates using an ATtiny13 and 12 LEDs connected via the Charlieplexing technique. For those interested, I can provide the SAO connector (SMD) for connecting it to other badges. Shipping worldwide. For any question feel free to send messages!


[This video content is unavailable on this device]

Links to code and documentation

No additional links provided for this product.

Shipping policy

Orders are processed and shipped within 1-2 business days. My products are shipped without batteries due to the international shipping restrictions.

Estimated Delivery Times:

US = ~1-3 Weeks

Europe= ~1-2 Weeks

Rest of the World= ~1-3 Weeks

The seller


Fossombrone, Pesaro and Urbino, Italy
0 orders since Nov 28, 2024
I like electronics and handmade. My projects are all inspired from 80s culture! I also love woodworking!