Addressable LED sign for Prusa printers (e.g. MK3), can be driven by Arduino, ESP, Pixelblaze etc.

LED sign PRUSA with RGB LEDs

Sold by maketvee's store


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Stock available: 10

** Just the LED PCB + diffusor is sold, for a full sign you have to add 3D printed parts and a controller **

This is a RGB LED sign to customize your Prusa printer. It contains 79 addressable WS2812C LEDs, which can be controlled with one single data in pin. It can be mounted with 3D printable parts to the printer and driven by any device able to drive addressable LEDs (Neopixel, WS2812B), for example:

  • Pixelblaze
  • ESP32/ESP8266
  • Arduino boards
  • CircuitPython (Pi Pico)

The sign has an integrated voltage level shifter, so DIN line can be either 5V or 3.3V logic voltage level. Power supply has to be 5V in any case.

There are mapping files available for Pixelblaze and FastLED to run 2D effects on the sign. The PCB also comes with a 100x40mm diffusor out of special black LEDs acrylic. It's black when LEDs are of, but transparent for all colors when LEDs are on.

There are example projects and documentation available on the project Github.

3D files are available at, including the mounting instructions.


  • PCB Prusa sign with 79 LEDs
  • 100x40mm acrylic diffusor
  • 4 screws

Links to code and documentation

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The seller

maketvee's store

Braunschweig, Germany
0 orders since May 5, 2024
DIY electronics with many LEDs