A silly PCB ruler in the shape and size of a banana with extra features

Musa PCB ruler

Sold by Ping Hobbyelektronik


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It may not be the most useful for measuring things accurately, but everyone needs a banana for scale once in a while. And this banana is more than it seems. Many of the reference footprints on it are connected more or less correctly to power and to other footprints.

The board can, depending on what's soldered to it, act as the following:

  • a 555 blinker
  • 3,3V power source fed by USB or other input
  • ATMega328 dev board
  • ATMega1280 dev board
  • ESP32-C3 dev board
  • ESP32-S3 or S2 dev board

With that said, it will never be "good" at any of the functions. It was never designed to be. It's just a fun thing.

Other footprints the MCUs can access:

  • up to 3 neopixels
  • 2 power LEDs with transistor
  • 2 basic LEDs
  • 4 switches, 2 of which are for reset/boot mode
  • the USB port
  • 7 IO pads, 4 of which are also available on the edge for use with crocodile clips

It may not be the most useful for measuring things accurately, but everyone needs a banana for scale once in a while. And this banana is more than it seems. Many of the reference footprints on it are connected more or less correctly to power and to other footprints.

The board can, depending on what's soldered to it, act as the following:

a 555 blinker

3,3V power source fed by USB or other input

ATMega328 dev board

ATMega1280 dev board

ESP32-C3 dev board

ESP32-S3 or S2 dev board

With that said, it will never be "good" at any of the functions. It was never designed to be. It's just a fun thing.

Other footprints the MCUs can access:

up to 3 neopixels

2 power LEDs with transistor

2 basic LEDs

the 555 blinker output

4 switches, 2 of which are for reset/boot mode

the USB port

7 IO pads, 4 of which are also available on the edge for use with crocodile clips

The USB port needs a sheet of plastic or something glued to the back for use as the board is a bit too thin. Sooner or later i'll write a guide on what to solder where to make it work.

Links to code and documentation

Design Files (github.com)

Shipping policy

Shipping within a few days

The seller

Ping Hobbyelektronik

Ålem, Kalmar län, Sweden
12 orders since Aug 13, 2024
Swedish developer and manufacturer of unique development boards and other things.