CC2652P2 open source ZigBee Coordinator for the RaspberryPi (GPIO) for use with zigbee2mqtt, home assistant,, homegear, etc.

ZigBee CC2652P2 Raspberry Pi Module

Sold by cod.m GmbH


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Home automation
Raspberry Pi

What is it?

Open Source CC2652 Zigbee 3.x Coordinator for the Raspberry Pi.

The CC2652P is Texas Instruments current multiprotocoll 2.4GHz chip with built in +20dBm amplifier, in this case used for ZigBee 3.x communication.

It is designed to be used as an coordinator for your ZigBee Network/Mesh on the GPIO header of the Raspberry Pi (UART) and comes preflashed with the latest Z-Stack 3.x from Koenkk. The coordinator can be used with a variety of home automation systems, including the zigbee2mqtt, home asssistant (zha),, homegear and even ser2net.

The module sports an u.FL socket to attach an external antenna (2.4GHz) to get the best coverage possible. It employs a dedicated LDO for the 3.3V power supply to be not dependent on the internal voltage regulators of the Raspberry Pi.

You can easily update the firmware of the module by yourself through the Raspberry Pi with cc2538-prog. The buttons to enter the Serial Bootoader (SBL) are present. A detailed inststruction on how to update can be found on the GitHub Page of the CC2652 Raspberry Pi Module.

What makes it special?

  • Directly connected to the GPIO header of the Raspberry Pi
  • Z-Stack Firmware 3.x
  • Firmware update directly on the Raspberry Pi (cc2538-prog, see GitHub)
  • Integrated power amplifier +20dBm
  • Integrated LDO DC-DC Converter (5V/3.3V)
  • u.FL-Socket for external 2.4GHz antenna
  • 50 "direct children" on the coordinator
  • Open Source (CC-BY-SA-NC)

Get it to work

To use the module directly on the serial interface on the GPIO of the Raspberry Pi, you have to free it up first. Either completely or by moving the Bluetooth UART to the mini-uart. See for a detailed explanation.

After that configure it depending on your prefered home automation software. See the CC2652P Raspberry Pi Module GitHub page for instructions for zigbee2mqtt and homegear. These instructions by MarijnPessers for our CC2538 module also fit the CC2652:


We are working on translations of the instructions.

Links to code and documentation

Documentation (

Design Files (

Product HS Code: 85176990

Shipping policy

We ship either with DHL (insured and tracked) or Deutsche Post (uninsured and tracked) to Germany, Europe and even worldwide.

This product does not ship to United States.

The seller

cod.m GmbH

Haiger, Hessen, Germany
8 orders since Jan 7, 2022