Overall: | (4.5) |
Product: | (5.0) |
Documentation: | (3.0) |
Shipping: | (5.0) |
Communication: | (5.0) |
5 stars | 0 |
4 stars | 1 |
3 stars | 0 |
2 stars | 0 |
1 star | 0 |
Product: ClimaControl - Mitsubishi Electric Air-to-Air HVAC 149 sold
Works great, eventually
Setting this up was a pain but once done it has been very reliable. Connecting to it's wifi was hit and miss, eventually connecting using my phone got through to it's web interface. Considering this device is HomeAssistant focused, some basic documentation around getting a MQTT service running would have been great but I was on my own for that.
Response from ProtoART:
Thank you for your review!
MQTT works just like any other MQTT device in home assistant: You will need to set up your own broker and set basic credentials to connect.
We assumed some basic understanding of MQTT by the customer as this is not specific to the climacontrol module. However, I understand some directions would be helpful. We are working on improving on documentation.
In case you have any questions or suggestions for improvement of the module, please do not hesitate to contact ProtoART! We are always happy to help.