A MIDI input module for AE Modular to support the new 'MIDI ecosystem' modules

mb/1 — MIDI Input Module [AE Modular module]

Sold by wonkystuff


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Stock available: 5

A year after it's first appearance at SynthFest 2022, we've finally released a new signal format for AE Modular: MIDI! For an overview of why this is different, I have written an overview article.

UPDATE: The latest version of this module supports both Type A and Type B TRS MIDI connections (using the LPZW Auto-Crossover circuit by Kay Knofe published here)

PLEASE NOTE: The MIDI signals cannot be directly connected to existing AE modules, take a look at the companion MIDI modules.

  • Inputs:
    • 3.5mm TRS MIDI (Type A/B)
  • Outputs:
    • 16x MIDI Channel data;
    • Clock;
    • Run/Stop gate;
    • Start pulse;
    • MIDI Thru.

Further details

The clock signals can be connected to existing modules, for example to drive a sequencer, and there is a WebMIDI configuration application available to edit clock sub-division and offset — so that a slower clock pulse can be generated, as well as adding a delay before the clock starts.

The Configuration Application can be found here

MIDI Specification

The Configuration Application sends configuration data via System Exclusive messages, the available commands are below (These are the same commands as used by Kenton Electronics for their Pro Solo mkIII MIDI-CV converter).

All numeric values shown below are in hexadecimal format for clarity.

Set Clock Division:

Set the division rate to be applied to the incoming 24ppqn MIDI clock signal. A table of typical division values can be found on the configuration application web page.

F0 00 20 13 1A <deviceID> 20 00 29 <channel> <division> F7

  • deviceID — Always 00 for mb/1
  • channel — Always 00 for mb/1
  • division — The division rate to apply (1-128). Sent as 'division-1', so that a division of 6 (to produce 1/16th pulses) would be sent as 5.

NOTE: Division and offset values are not automatically stored; if the values are required to be active at the next power on, then the store command must be sent.

Set Clock Offset:

Sets the number of 24ppqn clocks to delay before the clock output becomes active. Applies only at the next MIDI clock-start message.

F0 00 20 13 1A <deviceID> 20 00 2A <channel> <division> F7

  • deviceID — always 00 for mb/1
  • channel — always 00 for mb/1
  • offset — The number of MIDI clock pulses to delay before starting the clock signal output (0-127).

NOTE: Division and offset values are not automatically stored; if the values are required to be active at the next power on, then the store command must be sent.

Store Division and Offset:

Stores the currently active division and offset to the mb/1 eeprom memory.

F0 00 20 13 1A <deviceID> 20 00 7F <channel> 00 F7

  • deviceID — always 00 for mb/1
  • channel — always 00 for mb/1

Links to code and documentation

No additional links provided for this product.

Product HS Code: 92099400

Shipping policy

Unfortunately it is not possible to link product stock levels with those from the regular wonkystuff shop, so there might be times when items are not currently in stock. In these cases I will contact you to update the expected shipping times (which will need to include the manufacturing time of course).

This is not my main job, so shipping has to fit around evenings and weekends — please feel free to contact me if you think things are taking too long!

This product does not ship to United States.
Here are some extras that might be useful for your project!

The seller


York, England, UK
45 orders since May 11, 2023
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