Designing and selling keyboard related kits of all types. Sales in this store is mainly funding new designs.
All items are continually restocked, and if nothing else is noted, should restock in 7-10 working days. All notices regarding stocking is made on Discord.
Custom design requests welcome.
This seller ships from Skurup, Skane lan, Sweden
Normal handling time is 3 - 5 working days, not including build items (Those usually take 1 - 2 weeks).
Shipping is done with insured/signed for parcels, where no such service is available the parcel is sent as insured parcel, but may not be fully traceable the entire transit. If no insured or traceable service is available, parcels will be sent as uninsured/untraceable at the buyers responsibility. All of which is clearly stated on checkout.
All packets are represented to courier services and customs at their true sale value, and all responsibility for import fees, taxes and tariffs lie with the buyer.
The SE/EU "Act on Distance Contracts and Off-Premises Contracts (SFS 2005:59)" allows returns of the items in undamaged (unsoldered!) condition within 14 days of receiving it. Return shipping on returned items are the responsibility of the buyer.